Join Us for Khatam of Quran + Free Ice Cream Truck🍦 Tonight
Assalaamu Alaykum wrt. wbh. Jummuah Mubarak! We invite you and your family & friends to join ILC Plus for iftar and Khatam ul Quran tonight, April 5. Isha & Khatam Tarweeh will start at 9:10 PM InshaAllah.Our program is designed with your kids in mind. Join us for IFTAR, ISHA, TAHAJJUD (3:30 AM), SAHOOR, and FAJR. All of the Ramadan programs and activities are completely free to all.
Ramadan Programs & Activities (open to ALL): - Daily IFTAAR - Daily Taraweeh Prayer - Short Talks (Islamic Scholars, community members, and ILC Youth Speakers – Boys & Girls) - Tahajjud Prayers at 3:30 AM (last 10 nights) - Sahur/breakfast, Fajr
Donate Tonight. It Might Be Laylatul Qadr, A Night Better than 1000 Months Give your Zakat and/or Sadaqah to support our educational institution. Donate and tell your friends and family to as well: You can support ILCPlus by giving monthly via Venmo:@ILC-Plus . We are looking for 50 people to donate $100 monthlyGive to Educate Students at ILC Plus and for Daily Iftaar Program. ILCPlus has been able to serve over 800 students through programs including weekday and weekend Quran & Islamic Studies Programs, K-12 Tutoring, Robotics, and Adult Education.Reap the reward by sowing the seed of your continuous charity in Ramadan when good deeds are multiplied and tonight may be Laylatul Qadr. In addition to general donations for all the programs and activities, you can also give your Zakat al-Maal to ILCPlus to support its education (Quran, Weekend Islamic School, tutoring, etc.) and social services programs. You can also give your Zakat al-Maal by calling 703-944-6803 or make check payable to "ILC" and mail to: ILC, 6573 Edsall Rd., Springfield, VA. 22151.
We truly appreciate your continued engagement with and support to ILCPlus and its community, and ask Allah to multiply your reward in many folds, Ameen.
Jazak Allahu khairan!
Your ILC Plus TeamEmail: info@ilcplus.orgTel: 703-944-6803Web:
