ILC+ Food Drive

While you go grocery shopping for yourself and loved ones, pick up some groceries for those in need.
ILC+ will be conducting a non-perishable food collection drive to donate food items to the Capital Area Food Bankfor those who are in need insha-Allah (visit www.capitalareafoodbank.orgfor details).
You can drop off items from: November 15, 2018 to December 13, 2018
Where to Place: Please place your donation items in the designated bins on the first and second floors at ILC+.
What to Donate: You can donate any non-perishable, unopened, and unexpired food items (examples: pasta, rice, dry beans, canned foods, cereals, juice boxes, boxed/bottle juice, water and etc.)
Jazak Allahu Khairan! May Allah reward you immensely for your generosity and for thinking of and supporting those who are in need, ameen!
---ILC+ Administration---