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Pray Eid Prayer with ILCPlus
Join us for Eid prayer on Tuesday, June 4 at 10:00 AM at the Springfield Christian Church (same venue where the Khatam ul Quran took...

Celebrate with us the Night Before Eid
Join us for iftaar, games, henna, face painting, and lots of food & fun for the kids, youths and all community members at ILC+...

Join us for the last odd night and day of Ramadan 29.
Join us for the last odd night and day of Ramadan 29. Pray Tahajjud, Witr Prayer, and Dua with Qari Sami Ullah at ILC+ headquarters (6573...

Join us tonight for Khatam ul Quran and dua with Qari Samiullah
Assalaamu Alaykum wrt. wbh. Please join ILC+ tonight for iftar, taraweeh and Khutam al-Quran (10:05 pm).Our program is designed with your...

Ramadan 2019 Program Announcement
"O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint." (Holy...

Prayers for our Brothers & Sisters in New Zealand
The administration and staff of ILCPlus would like to express our deepest sorrow and condolences. Let us take a moment and make dua'a for...

ILC+ Food Drive
While you go grocery shopping for yourself and loved ones, pick up some groceries for those in need. ILC+ will be conducting a...

First Day of School
We can't wait to start the school year! See you on the First Day of School. - ILC+ Youth Weekend School (ILCWS, Saturday School) Starts:...

Join ILC+ Youth Weekend School Program Registration Session
Register your child, ages 6 - 18 for ILCPlus Youth Weekend School Program. This is your chance to learn more about the curriculum and...

ILCPlus Annual Celebration & Eid Reunion this Saturday! Join Us!
With overwhelming pleasure and excitement, we invite you to join us for the ILCPlus Annual Celebration, which will include the Awards &...
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